Actress Shannon Collis plays the loveable Lindsay Adams on this popular teen series. Created by the executive producer of Disney’s hit Lizzie McGuire, the show details the switch of a Hollywood starlet’s move from LA to country life. In the midst of ‘wild’ mishaps and animal facts, teens just can’t get enough of Darcy. Now, we are in luck! They can even catch the show on NBC’s Saturday morning lineup as well as Animal Planet.
What stores are a must when you hit the mall?
I love Forever 21. I mostly wear Urban Outfitters and vintage stuff now though.
If we were to look in your makeup bag right now, what would we find?
You would find a lot of stuff that I really don't wear. I have my Clinique powder, lip gloss (Juicy Tube by LancĂ´me), mascara, and an eye lash curler. I have the longest eye lashes, so it is pretty much essential for me. I wasn't very good at curling them up until my make up artist on Darcy taught me how to curl the lashes... thank goodness for her!
What is a typical day on the set of Darcy’s Wild Life like?
I wake up at about 7AM so I can get to set at about 8; it takes awhile to actually arrive at set because we shoot on a farm. I generally show up to set in jeans and a t-shirt... no makeup and my hair is in shambles! I have a bite every morning from the breakfast truck. Within the next hour, I am in "Lindsay" hair and make and wardrobe. I get to start shooting at about 9 AM and then I have lunch about 4 hours later. Then off to working with crazy animals!
Do you relate to your character in any way?
Yes totally. Lindsay is a very level headed girl and she knows what she wants. I am like this most of the time... I have my Darcy moments too though.
What would your ideal part be?
I love my job right now. It is amazing. I get to work with animals that some people may never see in their lifetime. I get to actually touch them. Everybody on set is great. We all get along so well. This is my ideal part. I want to go to work because of the fact that this is a great environment.
What are your must have hair products?
Let’s see. I use the Biosilk Silk Strate when I blow dry my hair. It works sooo well! It gets all the kinks out and everything! I love it! I also use the Biosilk Silk Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner. They make my hair so soft!
What is your favorite way to fix your hair?
I am a side part kind of girl. I have the side bang going on and I flip the bottoms of my hair out.
Any favorite styling tools?
The CHI Iron! I love it! It is so handy. It straightens but you can also to maneuver it to flip hair out! The CHI Iron is the only tool you need in life!
How would you describe yourself in one word?
When you are not on the go, what is your favorite way to relax or have fun?
I love to listen to music. I am obsessed now. I just bought the Brad Paisley CD, Mud on the Tires. Yes, he is country. But his "Celebrity" song cracks me up. I listen to everything pretty much, though.
Photo courtesy of Discovery Kids